Clou means tag line in Dutch. So Clou-Less means....
How often is Clou-Less updated?
At the moment, Clou-Less updates once a week, on Friday morning.
Who creates Clou-Less?
Ness does.
What are the cats' names?
At the moment there are four main characters. The most important character, the black tuxedo cat, is called Clue. The orange one is Curl. The striped cat is Sanct. The brown one is Pedro. The rest are visitors. Even the visiting cats that appear in the comic have a name, but it might be a bit too much to tell them all. Some of them just visited once, so what would be the use anyway? If you were searching for one special cat which is not named here, ask me.
How do you make Clou-Less?
Clou-Less is made digitally, from sketch to finished strip. I use a Wacom Intuos 3 and some drawing programs like GIMP.
Will you publish Clou-Less?
I might do that, somewhere in the future. There are plans for it. Just not enough comics yet.
Can I: Copy, distribute and/or display Clou-Less somewhere?
Yes you can. Click the button or the links below it for more information.

Clou-Less by Ness is licensed as Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Netherlands.
Can you make me appear as a cat in Clou-Less?
Yes I can do that. If you ask real sweet, I just might do it. There's only one catch to that: every cat I draw is my own character. You won't get any rights to call it yours.
Can I vote for you somewhere?
Yup! Here, for example:

Can I link to you?
Yup. My banners are these:


Do you publish your strips elsewhere too?
Some of them are on deviantART too. If you find them on other sites then in my deviantART gallery, please notice me.
Also, if you are smart you can possibly find out how many new strips are waiting to be published. And even where they are...